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Helping You & Your Family Cope With Divorce

Person Signing Divorce Papers

Divorce isn’t easy for anyone. It can have a significant impact on the divorcees, extended family and children; who are often the biggest victims of the fallout.

It is important to understand how these proceedings affect those closest to you. With this knowledge of proper channels, you can navigate the emotional turbulence and anxiety that divorce often incurs.

We are here to make this process as smooth as possible for you and your family, so keep reading to learn more.

The Psychological Influence Of Divorce

First, it is useful to understand the psychological impact of divorce. It’s comparable to the grieving process, so the symptoms are similar. It’s important to not diminish the impact it can have on your psychological and physical health. For example, there is a considerable increase in anxiety and depression in divorcees.

Divorce has also been associated with increased alcohol abuse, which can drive a damaging wedge between families. Symptoms of depression include excessive worry, lack of concentration, low mood and irritability.

It’s crucial not to dismiss the toll this can take on your body. Our mind and body work in tandem, so it’s important that the two work in harmony. Your mental health can affect your physical health and neglecting the former can bring about a host of unpleasant side effects, such as low libido, disturbed sleep and phantom pains.

Although undergoing a divorce can be a distressing experience, you can restrict the havoc it plays on your body and mind by practicing mindfulness and self-care techniques. These can be something as simple as exercise, meditation and reinstating a routine (as divorce is disruptive for everyone involved).

Always speak to a doctor or mental health professional if your symptoms have become unmanageable or worrisome.

Family Home

How Does Divorce Affect Your Family?

Children are often negatively impacted by a divorce. Their minds are still developing, and thus at greater risk of influence that can shape their personality and views on relationships. This is why, depending on their age, special care must be taken to avoid irreparable damage.

Some children are more resilient than others, whereas others are more sensitive to emotional stimuli. You know your child better to anyone, so you should be able to gauge how your divorce will affect them. However, almost all children will suffer feelings of disruption, uncertainty and grief.

Limiting how severely their daily life is uprooted will help your child feel more grounded and secure during the divorce proceedings.

Aside from this, children with divorced parents are more likely to perform poorly at school, partake in illegal substances (if teenaged) and struggle to form meaningful connections with their peers. However, these symptoms often manifest in extreme or poorly-managed cases. There are things you and your ex-partner can do to ensure your child feels loved, supported and comfortable:

It Maintains A Relationship With Both Parents

This is situational depending on the circumstances (particularly if abuse or neglect was involved) but where applicable, your child should have regular access to both parents in order to maintain a healthy support network.

It Reassures Your Child And Bolster Their Confidence

Many children blame themselves for a divorce. By reaffirming that they are loved and blameless for the divorce, they are less likely to develop self-esteem and insecurity complexes.

Conversely, a child may feel relieved by a divorce if their living situation was particularly tumultuous. In this case, removing them from a toxic environment is the best solution.

Divorce Law

Trusted Family Lawyers With Crowley & Co. Solicitors

Divorce isn’t easy for you and your loved ones, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Every family and situation is different, nor is it one-size-fits-all. If you’re worried about yourself or your children, always seek advice from a medical professional.

Here at Crowley & Company, our team of family lawyers are here to help so you can take care of the important bits – you and your family!


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