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Driving Offences

Driving Offence Solicitors Cardiff

Most driving offences are dealt with by the Magistrates courts. However, this is dependent on the severity of the offence or consequence of the motorists conduct. The punishments for driving offences range from awareness courses, disqualification and fines to a custodial sentence. To ensure you get the best possible outcome for your case, choose our driving offence solicitors in Cardiff for legal assistance. 

Having legal advice and assistance for any driving offence has a number of benefits and we pride our practice on:

We offer fixed fees from as little as £150.00 for simple guilty pleas and competitive rates for contested trails.

Drink Driving Defence Solicitors

It is illegal to drive a vehicle when the amount of alcohol or drug (legal or illegal) in your system is over the prescribed limit. Whether you’re driving a vehicle or not, it is also an illegal offence to be in charge of a motor vehicle whilst intoxicated through alcohol and drug use. This means that if you’re found sat inside a car in possession of the keys while over the prescribed limit, you could be charged with an offence.

Both offences are triable summary only. Therefore, only a magistrate court can hear the trial. If convicted, the following punishment may be enforced by the court:

Dangerous Driving

Dangerous driving occurs when a defendant’s driving falls below the standard of a competent and careful driver. Examples of dangerous driving include:

Such offences are triable in either way. This means it can be tried by Magistrates or Crown Court. An automatic endorsement of a minimum 12 month ban may apply, with a re-test if a defendant wishes to obtain a new license. A court may also order a community order, fine or custodial sentence as punishment.

Driving Whilst Using A Mobile Device

It is an offence to use a hand-held mobile device whilst driving. This remains a controversial subject for many road users. Since 2003, the UK has implemented points and fines if caught using a device behind the wheel. This punishment has recently doubled, so the current penalty has risen to an endorsement of six points to a licence and a fine of £200.


Breaking any specified speed limit (temporary or not) is a motoring offence. Speeding offences can be categorised as minor or serious. Serious speeding offences are often referred to as driving in excess, which is driving 20 mph or more over the limit.

Minor speeding offences usually attract a penalty of 3 points, a fine or driving awareness courses. Driving awareness course are only given to those who have the least serious speeding offences, or if it is their first speeding offence.

Receiving legal advice not only provides peace of mind that your matter is getting taken care of the best possible way, it can also be the difference between keeping your licence or losing it. We understand how the loss of a licence can impact your life and livelihood in a very big way. We will always try our best, where possible, to avoid disqualification. If you are arrested for a driving offence, we offer expert legal assistance.

Driving Without Due Care And Attention (Careless Driving)

As with dangerous driving, the defendant’s driving standard must fall below that of a competent and careful driver. However, this offence is considered to be less serious than dangerous driving. Examples of careless driving are:

Careless driving is triable summarily. This means that only a Magistrates court can hear the offence. The Magistrates will hear each case and consider any aggravating and mitigating factors. Magistrates may order an endorsement of 3 to 9 points, disqualification and / or a fine. If the offence is more serious, it will attract more points or a larger fine to reflect the seriousness of the case. Should the consequence of the above mentioned offences result in death, the defendant will be charged on the basis of:

Death By Dangerous Driving

One of our most recent notable case was R v R (2012) heard at Cardiff Crown Court. The Defendant was acquitted of causing death by dangerous driving.

Death By Careless Driving

Death By Careless Driving Whilst Under The Influence Of Alcohol Or Drugs

There are many other offences in which a person may be found guilty of causing death whilst driving. We are able to provide expert assistant and representation for all driving offences.

Taxi Licensing Offences

The law regulating hackney carriage and private hire vehicles, drivers and operators is underpinned by a number of specified offences that are supported by a system of criminal sanctions and penalties. Many of these fall to the local licensing authority to enforce, although the police can take action in some instances. 

At Crowley & Co, we have over 30 years’ experience of dealing with all manner of offences concerning taxi drivers and related licensing offences. We are experts in defending taxi drivers charged with committing taxi offences, such as taxi touting. Crowley & Co will endeavour to obtain the best possible outcome for you and your family. We fully understand the implications of losing your licence and livelihood, and we will do everything within our power to ensure that this does not happen.

Contact Our Driving Offence Solicitors In Cardiff

You may require advice on driving matters without legal representation at a Magistrate’s court. We offer one-off, one-hour appointments for £120.00 (inclusive of VAT) in which we are able to provide advice on the offence you are charged with.

Our driving offence solicitors in Cardiff are also able to assist with:

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