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Everything You Need To Know About Writing A Will

Last Will And Testament

Will writing can seem like a daunting process, but it doesn’t have to be. Here at Crowley & Company Solicitors, we endeavor to make it as straight forward and painless as possible. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about making a Will.

What Does A Will Do?

A Will is a legal document that dictates how your estate and assets will be distributed after death.

Without a Will, there is no guarantee that your affairs will be handled according to your expressed wishes. It’s important to arrange one if you want to bequeath valuables to close friends or designate family members to govern your estate.

With your affairs in order, you can rest easy knowing your property will be managed according to your written instruction.

Writing A Will

What Are The Benefits Of Writing A Will?

As well as protecting your assets, there are a number of other benefits to owning a Will.

It Prevents Intestacy Rulings

Dying without a Will is referred to as dying intestate, which means your estate and belongings are distributed according to an antiquated standard. These rules are seldom aligned with the wishes of the deceased.

Creating a Will nullifies the need for the intestacy rules that may disadvantage your loved ones.

It Reduces Inheritance Disputes

Not leaving a Will can stimulate a wealth of familial disputes and entitlement debates that destroy families. While contentious claims still happen, if you have set out your wishes explicitly, there is less room for divisive arguments. It also means that a challenge is less likely to succeed.

You Can Make Provisions For Children, Pets, And Organisations

One of the major benefits is the ability to support your nearest and dearest, which includes charities that are meaningful to you.

If your children are under 18, you can declare who’ll be their guardian, and who will look after your pets in the event of your premature passing. This prevents these decisions falling to intestacy rules, which may not have their best interests at heart.


When Should You Write A Will?

Technically, there’s no restriction for when you can write a Will. Legally, the minimum age is 18. Many people assume you don’t have to worry about writing one until you’re older, but this may not always be wise depending on the number of assets you have.

You can never write a will too early, as they can be adjusted with codicils and further amendments. Leaving it too late however, could have disastrous consequences for your estate.

Regardless of age, if you have assets you want to protect, it’s worth solidifying your wishes should the unthinkable happen. This is especially true if you have children, dependents, an estate or valuables. If you’re in doubt or need further advice, feel free to contact us for support and guidance.


Professional Will Writing Services

For more information on our range of services, get in touch with Crowley & Company Solicitors today. Our team of solicitors are able to provide expert advice on Will writing, letters of wishes and codicils. We aim to keep our prices affordable and will provide a quote during consultation. We’re on hand to support you, so feel free to give us a call.


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