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How To Prepare For Your First Meeting With A Solicitor

Legal Case History

Your first meeting with a solicitor is important in clarifying and solidifying your legal objectives. Yet, many of these first meetings are forced to end early, if they occur at all. This is because many who are meeting their solicitor for the first time do not properly prepare for it. This leads to wasted time and effort that could otherwise be easily avoided.

To understand what you’ll need, read on for our short guide on how to properly prepare for your first meeting with a solicitor.

Have A Clear Idea Of What You Want To Get Out Of This Meeting

Set out your intentions in a clear list. This list should include things like your overall objective, the timeframe you are looking to achieve it in, and how much money you are willing to spend.

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Make Sure It Takes Place At A Time Convenient To You

Purchasing a solicitor’s time is an important decision. Make sure that you are available for the time you purchase and that you have no competing obligations.

It can seem tempting to squeeze your appointment in between your other commitments. However, if you run over time, then you may miss your appointment. You could end up wasting your solicitor’s time and your own money in the process.

Make sure that you plan the time around your appointment in advance. If you find out that you may not be able to make your scheduled time, then be sure to rearrange it immediately.


Bring All Relevant Documents With You To The Meeting

Your solicitor will likely outline what information they are looking for you to bring ahead of time. Bringing this with you saves time and ensures that your representative is properly equipped to give you the best possible help.

You may also bring additional information that you believe is relevant, even if your solicitor did not request it. It is always better to have documents and not need them than to need them and not have them.

A list of common items that you should walk into a meeting with are:

Remember, lawyers are usually paid by the hour. Making sure that they have everything they need helps them do their job faster. A job done faster means fewer hours that you have to pay your solicitor for.

Legal Documents

Make Sure You Are Ready To Listen

Some people walk into their first meeting with a solicitor only willing to listen to what they want to hear.

The whole point of hiring a solicitor is for their specific legal expertise. If your solicitor tells you that you do not have a strong case, or that a situation is more complicated than you think it is, then you must be prepared to take that information in. To do anything else will only harm your case.

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Contact Us

Ready to schedule for first meeting with your solicitor? Contact Crowley & Company for expert and experienced legal services.

Our team specialises in a wide range of fields, including, but not limited to, family, crime, property, and inheritance law.

For more information on our services and how they can help you, contact us today.


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