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Family Reunion Asylum 2023: What You Need To Know

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Claiming asylum for family members in the UK has become more and more difficult in recent years. The government has been adamant that refugees should only enter the country through ‘safe and legal routes’. However, those routes often do not seem to work.

What should be a simple process – to bring the remainder of your family into the UK – is often hindered by delays, complications, and unjust rejection.

In this article, we take you through the basics of why applying for family reunion has become so difficult and what you can do about it.

Why Is It So Difficult To Apply For Family Asylum?

An inspection report published on family reunion applications found a ‘system beset with delays and a team ill-equipped to manage the complexity and volume of applications awaiting consideration’.

It is believed that the war in Ukraine has diverted large numbers of staff at the Home Office specifically towards processing and housing Ukrainian refugees. This, in turn, has negatively impacted their ability to handle applications from other countries.

This issue means that your family’s asylum application may be left unattended for extended lengths of time. What’s more, it may not be given the consideration it deserves. This leaves you at risk of being rejected without proper cause.


What Can You Do About It?

Hiring an immigration solicitor should be your first step.

The UK’s asylum application process is slow and frequently rejects applications that should succeed. When this happens, hiring an immigration solicitor should be your first step to securing your family’s safety.

Recent data has shown that from 2019 to 2022, 1,386 of 2,106 applications rejected by the Home Office were overturned. That means that just under two-thirds of the rejections were actually valid.

If your application for a family reunion has been rejected, don’t despair. Hire an immigration lawyer.

Professional legal assistance from experts in the field is key to your chances of a successful appeal and a minimal waiting time.

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Contact Crowley & Company

For highly experienced and expert immigration solicitors, contact our team today.

At Crowley & Company, we handle all of our family reunion applications with the compassion and professionalism that they deserve. We work diligently to ensure that all applications and appeals have the best possible chance of success.

Ready to begin your immigration application or appeal? Find out more about our immigration services and contact us today.


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